How To Go From Zero to 50,000 Email Subscribers - With Email Marketing Unlocked
I'm going to teach you how to go from zero to 50,000 subscribers with email marketing. If you don't know much about me I've driven over 800 million visitors to my client websites. I've worked with some large brands. I've created some companies over the years.
I have awards from president Obama and I'm not saying all this to brag. It's moreso the marketing strategies that I've used and implemented over the years have worked which is why I've been able to work with these companies and I've been blessed to do so. So when I give you strategies and tactics around email marketing, just keep in mind, If I worked with some of the bigger brands cause the strategies and tactics work it means they'll work for you too.
Before we really dive in, I want to read a quote from Ray Tomlison. He is the inventor of email, and he once said I see email being used by and large exactly the way I envisioned in particular, it's not strictly a work tool or strictly a personal thing, everyone uses it in different ways but they use it in a way they find that works for them. With that in mind, I want you to keep this stat in mind. In 2019, I know we're well past beyond that point, email users accounted for 3.9 billion users. And this is set to grow to 4.48 billion users by 2024.
That's half the world's population. That's a huge number. Some facts for you. 66% of consumers online have made purchases because of a direct result of email. And 72% of customers say that email is their favorite conduit of communication with companies that they do business with. 61% say they like to receive promotional emails weekly and 28% of them want them even more frequently. 72% of us customers prefer email marketing over other types of promotion. Plus it ties everything in, with the apps that you use or the websites that you log in, emails popular. Even if you look at me, I'm sending out two to three emails on a weekly basis, it's super effective and it's worked super well for other people as well. For example, Semantics FM, there are a site that sells email courses or products not really around email but mostly around music and they do this through email.
They had a problem, they're going after generation Z. There's like, hey, how do I end up going after them? And we're like, let's build a funnel and market to these people through emails. Over time they ended up generating $4.5 million over 10 park launches due to email. Here's the example of the email of them selling a course. This is the dubstep, start to finish course. This email alone generated over a hundred grand. In a 12 month period of time, keep in mind, they've been doing this much longer, hence the bigger number of over $4 million. But in a 12 month period of time, email alone has accounted for $1.2 million of the revenue.
March revenue was 125,000, which a record for them. And 29% of their revenue comes from email marketing, which is massive. Your highest converting marketing channel from what I've seen everything I've experienced is going to be email marketing. If it's not, that means you're doing something wrong. If you market to your contacts the right way, your emails will get open, read, and most importantly get acted on. If everyone opens your emails and reason but doesn't act on them, it doesn't really matter and it doesn't do much for you. Here's the example of a workflow that I use with email and I'm going to walk you through it cause I know there's a lot of dots and a line you're like, all right, how does this work?
I'm going to give you a few different examples depending on the business that you have. First off, if you're e-commerce or you're selling a digital good, abandon cart email and this is where people almost finished the checkup but they don't. And I recommend emailing them within four hours, then 16 hours. And then two days later to try to get them back. Here's the example of what abandon cart email can look like. Attractive, image rich, or you can do text rich. Either one works. The key is just to get them back and buying your product.
A flash sale's another type of promotion. Let's say you're doing a Black Friday offer or a Christmas offer, I recommend sending out four emails, one on day one, one on day two, and then skip day three, go to day four and then go to day five. And here's the example of what a flash sale email looks like, such as 40% off everything or 40% off anything over a hundred bucks. And it's not just about promoting stuff to your audience. You also need to nurture them. So when you have a new customer or you have a new lead on your list, I recommend that you email them immediately. So you build up that rapport right away. They get used to the emails from you. I recommend that you send them another email two days later and then I recommend that you send them another email with four days later.
It's not just about selling to these people. It's also about just helping them and guiding them as well. Here the example of Airbnb, time flies, they're not necessarily just pushing people saying buy, buy, buy, here's one from Dunkin Donuts. Those are all examples of nurturing. And when you're doing emails, what you'll find is a lot of people who buy from you stop buying from you. And for those, you want to do a win-back campaign, where if they haven't purchased in a few months, you can send them an email with a coupon or discount code or just letting them know that you'll love for them to come back or just letting them know what's new with your business or with your products or your services or any information you have. So that way you can get our sales, a few best practices for you.
Emails with personalized subject lines generate 50% higher open rates, sending three abandoned cart emails results in roughly 69% more orders than one single email. And videos added to your email can increase click rates by roughly 300%, which is huge. And when you're sending out emails keep in mind that Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays are the most popular days but if you want the most opens because a lot of people get bombarded on those days, I recommend sending emails on Mondays and Fridays which has been super effective for me.
I also do Sundays, which has done really well too. With your lead nurturing process, remember, you can always follow up with your leads not just right then and there but also a week later, a month later, years later as long as you keep educating and helping out and building that value, you can do well with them. You don't need a fortune to be fortunate. And that's why I love email marketing. I once met a guy named John Reese who used to run a site called And he once told me his email list is like his digital ATM machine. Sends out an email and makes a ton of money. That's the power of email marketing.
If you need any help with your email marketing just shoot me an email at Or you can just leave a comment below and I'll try to answer any questions that you may have. If you enjoyed this video, make sure you like it, share it and tell your friends about it and make sure you check out, click on email marketing unlock. There you'll find all the cheat sheets, worksheets that will help you get the most out of this course. You'll see more lessons. This is going to be a six part course but I want you to go there and fill out the goals worksheets, as well as of course itinerary. And by the end of this course you'll know how to market your business with email marketing and generate more sales as well.
Lead Generation Tactics I Used To Acquired Over 2 Million Subscribers - Email Marketing Unlocked
Right teach you how to go from zero to 50,000 subscribers with Email Marketing. Today's lesson mainly focuses on building your contacts. So let's dive right in and get started. Most people don't know this, but employees spend 13 of their working hours each week in their email inbox. And that's according to McKinsey. So how do you acquire more leads and market to these people? Well, it starts off by identifying your target audience, then you want to conduct market research, you want to create an irresistible offer and then you want to use personalization to just reel them in. And I'm going to walk you through all of that. First off, if you want to get those leads, you can start off with some traffic sources like SEO, Google AdWords, I found YouTube ads to work exceptionally well.
LinkedIn works really well too. But as you can see on the screen here, there's tons and tons of options, pick your poison, pick the channel that you think you're best at, or that you shine at and if you're not sure how to use any of these channels, you can always learn more at And once you start getting traffic to your site, I recommend using an Exit Intent. Exit Intent allows you to collect the email when someone's about to leave your website. Here's an example from Here's an example from Quicksprout. And as I did this over time, I found that by just having an Exit Intent, I clicked extra 50.3% emails. I've also tried newsletter opt in boxes, they work, they're not that bad. Sidebar options, they work, again not bad.
And one of my favorite strategies is content upgrades, which work much better than the newsletter and sidebar opt ins. Then you also have quizzes, you can see example of this at where you can quiz people and collect the lead there. There's a lot of free tools out there or some paid ones like Lead Quizzes as well, that helps you set up a quiz to collect emails too. And as you can see here from Nutrition Secrets, this website no longer exists, it was bought out by another company.
They started a quiz with something simple. "I'm a man, I'm a woman", and the questions would be customized based on what they answered. And little things like quizzes, what I found convert much better than other methods. And on our website alone, we found that through lead quizzes as we collected more than 108% more emails or leads, versus not having a quiz at all. Now that you're collecting leads, it's time for you to conduct market research. You can learn about your customers and their habits by just serving and talking to them using focus groups.
By just communicating with them, you'll learn what's working for them, what's not working for them, what you need to offer. And through this example with Nutrition Secrets, we ended up learning right through market research. People wanted to learn how to lose weight, be more fit, Be more healthy, and we ended up creating a funnel and that ended up increasing not only your leads, but to increase our sales as well. Sadly, sales in it increases much as leads. But hey, 210% increase in sales is better than nothing. Now with Quicksprout, something similar, receives hundreds and 1000s of visitors a month, draw people to a webinar registration, 42% of them registered for the webinar and then 8.5% close rates of the webinar registrations. Again, great way to drive more leads and sales.
When you are tryna click the most amount of emails, my big recommendation for you is to make things easy, let them put in their name and email or just click a button like sign in with Google or login with Facebook. That little thing alone helped me boost my status by 59.4%. And then I found out that the wording effects how many emails you collect versus sign up versus login and changing it to login creates extra 22% increase in emails. So now that you got that done, how do you set everything up and get your email campaigns out so that we can start generating some income? Well, setting up email campaigns is pretty straightforward. You want to document your campaigns requirements, set up some email copy, add copy template, set up tracking, and test your email and then use data and make iterations.
Of course over the course of Email Marketing Unlocked, I'll teach you how to do all of this in depth. But we'll get more into that into the future. A few things that I need to cover first though, is when you're creating campaigns, you need to know a few things. First, you need to know what the goal of your campaign is. Are you just tryna get more leads and brand awareness or are you tryna get more sales? So once you identify your goals, you can then adjust your campaign for that. And then you want to use the right tone of voice in copy that represents your brand. Are an individual, a personal brand, are you corporate brand?
All these things change things drastically. Same with the from address, is it from you or is it from a company? And then of course you want to segment your list and create a compelling subject line because if your subject line isn't compelling, no one's going to open it. As David Ogilvy once said, "80 cents on the dollars spent on the headline." When drafting copy, just try to keep your copy short and to the point. People have too much going on. Provide value and keep your readers interested. Make your texts scannable. Be clear, concise, make it relevant for your audience, personalize things when you can, and revise everything because when you create a campaign, not everything's going to be perfect, you want to keep tweaking it to improve your numbers over time. And this is why tracking is so important.
You can do this with Google Analytics, really simply, or most email tools like the MailChimp so the Convert kits of the world also help with the tracking as well. And they even allow you to test your email and send test email so you can test that as well and to send it to yourself. With your emails, you want to not just open on your desktop, make sure you open up on mobile devices, because over 60% of people are reading emails on mobile devices versus their actual computer. And the email software that you're using should be able to make it mobile friendly. Just their templates, their email editor naturally should have mobile in mind. Again, I want you to test everything from your copy, your design, your button, your CTA, should your emails be long, should they be short? What time of the day you should send them? And then you'll figure out what works best for your audience.
Then from there, you can automate your emails, and then figure out, "Alright, at this time, I want this email to go and then trigger another email if they didn't open it or if they did open it and they didn't buy, I want to send them this instead, which is all about automation and personalization.", because the more of those two things that you do, the better off you are. But I'll be covering that in the next lesson when I cover triggers and things like that and sequencing that you guys need to use.
But before I end make sure you go to, click on Email Marketing Unlocked and under Week One, you'll see the first lesson under Week One. And under there you'll find more cheat sheets, PDFs and everything that helps you get the most out of this course and get results faster. And I want to end on this quote, "57% of email subscribers spend 10 to 60 minutes browsing marketing emails during the week." So if you have any questions or you need help with Email Marketing, you can always leave a comment below, I'll do my best to answer it.
High-Converting Workflows & Sequences That You Can Copy, Paste & Send - Email Marketing Unlocked
Teach you how to go from zero to 50,000 subscribers with email marketing. As I mentioned in the last lesson, today I'm going to be breaking down workflows and sequencing. This is what's going to help you really drive revenue from all those emails that you're collecting. Look, with email marketing, there's a massive ROI. Email marketing has an average ROI of $38 for every dollar spent. And email marketing is super cost effective, high ROI, but you don't get it right away. You generate that revenue over time.
So it can take months, and in many cases, years to journey at the full potential, but that's okay. Anyone who tells you that you're going to get rich quick is usually lying to you. The problem though, is if you're lucky, only one out of every 100 visitors of yours buys from you, and I'm going to teach you how to actually do much better than that. And the reason is, because when people send out emails or market to people, they're just like, "Oh, will you marry me?" They're in essence asking someone to buy right away, commit right away. And that just doesn't work.
In essence, you have to date your visitors. Just like in real life, you don't ask someone to marry you right away, you date them first, and then you ask them to convert into a customer. And that's why you want sequences. With your welcome sequence, you can nurture your leads, warm them up, and within the first few weeks, two weeks, roughly 14, 15 days, you can set up auto-responses to email them and actually get them to buy from you. And that's why sequencing is really awesome. And when you're doing sequencing, you can do this through autoresponders, or you can do this through automation. And autoresponders, if you're not familiar with it is, it's a way to send someone emails based on what lists they signed up to. And you may have multiple lists, which I'll also cover in this lesson. And then there's broadcast.
A broadcast is when you're just sending off like a one-off email that isn't planned. You can schedule that as well, but broadcasts are usually meant for one-off emails. When you're doing email marketing, you'll learn the term campaigns as well, and you can stack your campaigns. That's really the secret to get the maximum sales from your contacts. Stacking is things like, you have one thing that offers you one course and then maybe another sequence that offers you another product or another service. And then you may send out a sequence that educates, and then from there, you may send out another sequence that sells people on stuff.
When you're working on sequencing, and I know I went through this quite quickly, and that's because I have a worksheet for you that'll just walk everything through for you. And you can find that at Click on "eMail Marketing Unlocked", week one, the second video in week one. And from there, you'll be able to see all the worksheets, including this one, that'll help you through sequencing. As I mentioned earlier, when you're sending out emails, you're sending it out to a list. There's multiple people that you can have on your list, and you can segment them. Segmenting really helps improve conversion rates, because if you don't segment, you're sending out the same email to everyone.
For example, if you're a realtor, and a portion of the people on your list already have a home, why would you send them an email on buying a home when they already have a home? And another portion may not have a home and they may be renting. For those people, you want to send them an email on buying a home. For the people that already have a home, you may want to send them an email on selling their home. And you can segment in many different ways, that was just one example that I just walked through. But typically you can segment based off of geographical location, interests, purchase history, behavior, and much, much more. So let's go through some of them. Some of those things are like when it comes to behavior, are they scrolling? Are they clicking? Have they watched a video? How long have they stayed on the email?
Demographic stuff is based off of age, gender, ethnicity, income, level, position. While geographic of course is based on time zone, or country, or even state, or things like population density. Now that we've covered segmentation, let's dive right into journeys. So with journeys, it's all about figuring out how you can appeal to them based on what segment that they're in of your list. For example, you may find people who are already buying from you, and you're just like, you know what? They bought a few products, they've bought most of them, but not all of them, let me get them with a sale email. And that could work out well.
Or with a welcome email, your journey could just be starting off asking them personalized question so you can figure out how to segment them in your list. Or with promotional emails, you could offer them deals, like MOO Cards is doing, or abandon checkout cart email. If you're selling a product or a digital product and they don't fully complete the checkout process. And even after you sell them, it doesn't stop there, you can get feedback on, do they like your product? Do they like your service?
What's your NPS score? Or if then if you have an event for all your customers, you can send that out as well and get them to attend your event. Or if you're doing a promotion, like a Black Friday or a Cyber Monday, why not send out emails for them as well too? All these things really help. And even if you do them all correctly, over time, you'll see that a portion of the people on your list will stop buying from you. And for those, you need to do a re-engagement email and get them to keep coming back and then purchasing again. And I have some journey templates for you that you can use and you can find them at
Click on "eMail Marketing Unlocked", week one, the second video lesson in there. When you're picking from the templates, I also recommend that, try to figure out how you can evoke curiosity. When subject lines evoke curiosity, like, I wish I would've seen this five years ago, it tends to get a lot of clicks. Don't be click-baity and not actually deliver in the content. But as long as you deliver on the content, there shouldn't be an issue.
Or you can use scarcity subject lines, where you're breaking down like, hey, this is your last chance at 75% off. An example of this is, hey, after today, we're never going to be offering this deal again. And as long as that's true, you're never going to offer it again, that's fine. Or you can be funny. Don't invite Tevin to your wedding, he's going to dress like a ghost. And if you want higher open rates, make sure you download the Higher Open-Rate Strategies Asset. And again, you can find this at, and click on "eMail Marketing Unlocked", week one, lesson two in there.
And last but not least, if you are sending out emails, you want to focus on increasing your deliverability. When you keep sending emails to people who don't want to open them, you need to remove them from your list, and that since you're scrubbing them, and most email solutions have this functionality built in, like a ConvertKit, they call it Cold Subscribers. And as long as you do this, what you'll find is your open rates will stay strong, because if you keep sending emails to people who don't want them, it's going to cause most your emails to go into the spam box.
How to Maximize Your Customer Lifetime Value with Email Marketing - Email Marketing Unlocked
Where I teach you how to go from zero to 50,000 subscribers with email marketing. In today's lesson, I'm going to be breaking down email optimization, but why should you optimize your emails? Well, it's all about lifetime value. The more you optimize your emails, the more revenue you can generate through emails, and when you think about lifetime value of a customer, there are some people in many cases where they're generating 30, 50, $60,000 from people on their email lists. They're getting their customers to continually come back and buy from them, continue doing upsells, downsells. A great example of a company who has amazing lifetime value from their email address and their users is Amazon. So how do you start optimizing?
Well, let's get started. First off, you have a welcome email. When someone joins your list, give them a welcome email. What should they expect? What should they learn? What did they just purchase? What are other complimentary products? What else can they do to have an amazing experience? These are all examples of welcome emails. The goal is to continue to educate users and give them stuff that benefits them so that way they stay activated and they continually want to buy any of your products or services in the future. Then you have notification emails. These ones have one of the highest open rates. They should be real time that are triggered by specific actions that someone takes or even doesn't take. A good example of this is if you're using Ubersuggest, the marketing tool, a notification email could be that your rankings are higher or your rankings have dropped on Google. Those are all examples of notification emails. Extremely high open rates and click-through rates. And the key that I found with notification emails is not just to let them know something happened but what's the next step that they should take? Should they purchase a service or a product to improve the experience or solve that problem? That's an example of an action that someone can take. For example, if I send out an email saying, "Your rankings have dropped on Google.
There's an algorithm update that just happened. Click here to schedule a call with one of our sales reps to break down how we can help you fix this." That's example of a call to action in a notification email. You also want to have high-value newsletters. So emails aren't just about selling. You want to educate and provide tons of value, because if you spend a majority of your time educating, you know, they say 80/20 rule. I believe in 90/10 where you spend 90-plus percent of your time delivering value, then 10% maybe selling, and if you look at me, I go above and beyond the 90/10. I'm probably more like a 98/10 where 98 of my emails are educational. I mean, not 98/10, moreso 98/2 where 98 of my emails are educational, maybe two of them sell, but that model's really worked out for me because it also helps build trust. Then you have the review email.
This is for getting surveys, feedback, getting reviews for your products or services, and this is great because it gives you instant feedback so that way you can fine tune your products and services, which will help increase your overall revenue word-of-mouth marketing as well. Now you have the cart abandonment sequence. So when someone comes and buys from me, I don't care if they're buying a physical product or even a digital one like an ebook, what you'll find is a lot of people will go to your checkout and not buy. Literally, you'll be lucky if 50% of the people that hit your checkout page and start putting in their information even complete the process. So how do you get those people to keep coming back?
And we have all these templates in the Email Marketing Unlocked course that we're giving you so that way you don't have to start from scratch, and you can find all of these at Click on Email Marketing Unlocked and from there, go and click on, you know, week two, and this is lesson one in there, and underneath it, you can find a lot of the asset files. And then, of course, purchase receipts. When someone makes a purchase, you want to let them know that they made the purchase. Here's the proof that you charged your card and when they're going to get their product or service. So try to just make people feel good. That's the key with emails, from feeling like they're important, and the way you make them feel like they're important is to treat them as if they are important, because if you find them important, great, they'll feel that way.
If you don't find them important, well, they'll see right through it. Make sure you help them out, educate them, do whatever you can to solve their problems, and that's how you really get users that keep coming back and open up your emails, which will then allow you to continue to upsell. Upselling allows you to generate more revenue from your existing customers. This is what creates a higher lifetime value. And there are presale upsells, there's one-click upsells, there's bundle offerings, there's cross-sells. There's a lot of different options that you can take. Just pick whatever's right for you. Typically the easiest one is once someone exited the checkout and they bought from you, right then and there, show them another offer.
I also want you to set expectations with your list, and when you're emailing them, there should be consistency in your layout, your design, in your tone of voice. That way they know it's you and they know what to expect, and if you need help with things like your layout, your design, you can use tools like HelloMail, HubSpot, Mailchimp, BEE Pro. These are all examples of tools that can help you and give you that proven layout. And layout is very subjective. It can be totally different based on the type of industry you're in, and there's so many different templates out there that you can end up using. And as I mentioned, we've bundled all of these together and you can find them at Click on Email Marketing Unlocked. It's under week two, lesson one under there.
And you'll see a lot of templates like this, right? Here's an example for, let's say, pastry of the month if you're food-related or, you know, if you're selling a box or you have some sort of reveal, you can send them an email that looks something like this, but literally the possibilities are endless and we have so many examples. But it doesn't stop there. There's also a layout on your own website when you're capturing an email address. What's the right layout? What's the right design? What's the right copy? And typically anything that offers something that's truly valuable and focuses on the email box where they're putting in their name and email is the best type of design that we've seen. And some other best practices for you. Remember, you need to optimize for a CTA. You send out an email. If no one's purchasing, it doesn't matter. So what action should they take within the email?
I want you to keep that in mind every time you send an email. And keep in mind, if you send an email that doesn't align with your website and you're driving to your website, you're going to have a high bounce rate. In addition to that, if you're sending emails to people that don't want them, they'll stop opening them. A lot of your emails are going to go into spam, and if you're not cleaning the list, you're also going to have bounces with emails, not just on your website. It's also with email as well. When you send an email, that person's inbox may be full, it doesn't exist anymore. These are all examples of bounces. Then there's the list growth.
If you want to get to 50,000, 100,000, a million, it's not just about the numbers. It's about creating and keeping an active list. So scrub out the people that aren't active, because your numbers are going to be better, even if your total size is smaller. And most tools, like ConvertKit, for example, they have this automatic segmentation called cold subscribers where you can just go in and delete all the people who are cold or not send them emails, because those are the ones who aren't really opening up your emails or those emails may be bouncing. Also, when I send out emails, I try to promote sharing. If I have a really good offer, I let people know that they can send it, forward it to other people, tell the world about it on social media, because it creates that somewhat viral effect, and the reason I say somewhat, you're not going to truly go viral, but you know, one plus one may equal one point something. You won't get two or you won't get three.
In the real world, you ideally want one plus one to equal three, which means you're truly going viral, but you may get one point something for every email that you send out if it's really good and people want to share it. And keep in mind, if you don't optimize for mobile, you're not going to get as many shares because over 50% of the opens that you get from emails in most cases for most industries what you'll find is they're going to be on mobile. And we're actually seeing, even in B2B, that it's creeping up over 50% in many cases. In B2C, we're seeing rates of like, 70, 80% to give you an idea how important mobile is.
Most tools, like email tools like Mailchimp, are already optimized for this, but just double-check, and when double-checking, just look at your email template design as well, from everything from your pre-header to your footer of the email. You just want to make sure it flows. This is also one of the reasons I just use text-based emails.
The deliverability is great, it's more personalized, and I found also that the click rate is better as well. We also have a lot of copy writing hacks for email marketing.
3X Your Email Results By Applying These Frameworks & Workflows Hacks - Email Marketing Unlocked
Where I teach you how to go from zero to 50,000 subscribers. And today's lesson, we're going to be talking about testing and tweaking. Iterating your email marketing starts with your contacts, and there's really five steps. And I'm just going to quickly go over the five steps and then we're going to go in-depth on what you really need to do to tweak and test, so that way you can maximize your revenue from email marketing. Step one is understand your products, services, and how they're really being used.
That way, you can figure out what messaging you need to put to maximize your sales. Two, you need to get feedback from customers. They may be happy with what you're doing, they may be sad, they may be unsatisfied, and this feedback will help you tweak and make things better. Then you want to go into identifying your customer based on demographics, psychographics, behavioral, environmental factors, and more. This allows you to segment out your list and send people messages based on what they are really looking for versus something that's generic to all your contacts. Step four, be sure to always keep your customer profiles up to date. You don't want to be keeping sending people emails to their old email address, or to bounces, or to people who don't want your emails. And then you want to survey your customers again to gain insights on changing habits, preferences, and interests, so that way you can keep up with the latest trends that are happening in the world. So now, let's dive into the specifics.
How do you develop relationships with lead nurturing? Well, email is all about that one-on-one relationship. You can put the person's first name in the email. That helps. You can develop that bond between that prospect or that person in your contact list by using words like you or I within your email copy. Helps build a deeper connection. By segmenting, you can also make your emails more personalized, by having that story within your brand. That also helps as well. In addition to that, there's a lot of technical housekeeping that you need to do to maximize your email efforts. For example, you're going to have errors, and these errors could be solved in many different ways.
And the errors could exist in many different formats depending on the type of emails that you're sending. For example, if you have a welcome email, are you giving them a freebie? Because your open rates are really slow or people are unsubscribing, maybe you're not giving someone any value in the welcome email, or your activation emails isn't really providing any value. Or when you're doing marketing emails, you're just selling and you're not educating enough. Or if people are on your list for a long time and they slowly stop opening up your emails, you may not have any retention emails or reactivation emails. These are all things to consider when you're sending out emails.
In addition to that, you'll find that emails over time go into spam. Are you getting spam complaints? If so, adjust your emails, because they may feel that your emails are too aggressive or too quote, unquote spammy. Or are you sending emails to people who don't want them? Because if that's the case, even if they don't unsubscribe, if they don't open up your emails and they ignore them, it starts causing your emails to go into spam box, not just for them, but for everyone. And that's why you want to clean your list on a regular basis. And that's really how you bypass the spam filter. You don't send emails to people who aren't opening them.
If you send an email to someone four times, they don't open any of them, stop sending them more emails in the future. And that's why your audience may not be receiving any of your emails. Because if you keep sending them emails, you'll find that Gmail and Outlook are notoriously known for putting all emails in spam box or the majority if you continually send emails to people who don't want them. And I also recommend that you look at your list, clean on a regular basis. You don't use misspelling. You don't use spammy words, like free in all caps in the subject line.
All these things can really hurt your deliverability. Check for hard bounces too, because if an email hard bounces, that email probably doesn't exist or it's no longer available, so remove them. Check for soft balances, that's temporarily. So maybe you stop sending them emails for a few weeks, and then maybe it fixes itself over time. In general, your email tool that you use, no matter which one you use, pretty much all of them have reporting. So view the reporting, view the segmentation, view what's working, from subject lines to the call to actions. And this will give you idea of what you should do more of and what you should do less of.
I also recommend that you create personas, because when you create personas and when you see these patterns and you create personas based off the patterns that you're seeing, you can identify different personas, track them, and not in a sleazy or creepy way, but nonetheless you can track them, segment them, and then send them specific offers to maximize your conversion rate. Because there's many different personality types, you know? What my wife wants to see in an email in many cases is going to be different than what I want to end up seeing. But at the same note, we both love seeing sales. I also recommend creating a predictive model, right? And here's what I mean by that. If you have lists within your email tool, and with these lists, for example, I have a list of all past buyers.
I know that if I email out my past buyers for anything new, my conversion rate and revenue is through the roof because 20% of my new purchases tend to come from past buyers. So I really treat that list like it's gold, because it's an easy way for me to generate more and more revenue. And you can start building out some modeling every time you're creating new offers, on hey, if I email this list, here's my average conversion rate, here's the average revenue, and this is how much sales I'm going to get, which then helps make your business more predictable. And then you can use this data to figure out where you should invest.
And that's why I do things like monitor my click-through rate, my conversion rates, my open rates, because it all gives me idea on, hey, what to expect from my emails. And if you notice things like your open rate going down, I recommend that you go and try a different strategy. If you're using the same concept that's worked for you for years but it's slowly stops working, it's probably because your list is getting used to it and you want to try something new. For example, you could try to send an email that's related to a trend or a news event, and that could increase your open rates.
So what is a good open rate or click-through rate? Well with companies with one to 10 employees who sent 16 plus campaigns or emails in a month, medium open rate was 35% and click-through was 7%. Now, if you're a much bigger company, you're going to see your rates slowly decline, because over time, you probably have bigger lists from what we're seeing, versus companies who have much smaller employee count, they tend to have smaller lists that tend to be engaged with.
As your list gets bigger and bigger, usually you'll see your rates drop down. And to track all of this, if your email tool doesn't give you what you need, you can also use Google Analytics, set up campaigns with their, use a UTM tracking variables. So that way, you can track everything in Google Analytics as well. I also recommend that you A/B test some of your emails. All the tools out there have this feature. Try different subject lines, call to actions.
It'll give you idea of what's working and what's not working. And my favorite strategy is email marketing retargeting. And what I mean by that is, if I send someone an email and they open it, I can remarket them around the web and show them banner ads for my products and services to really try to bring brand awareness, bring education, and eventually convert them into a customer. And that's why I really love email marketing retargeting or email retargeting, because it's one of the highest conversion rates that we've seen. And you can even show email ad through Gmail now, believe it or not, there's ads that you can show people within their Gmail inbox.
Mastering Email Marketing: Here’s What’s Working NOW - Email Marketing Unlocked
Hopefully you've been implementing the stuff that you've been learning over the last two weeks as this is the last lesson where I'm recapping everything. And by now you should be seeing more growth in your email list. Probably not at 50,000 subscribers, that's unrealistic within two weeks but your numbers should be growing and you should be on your way to 50,000 subscribers. 78% of email marketers observed a rise in email engagement over the last year.
So if you're not on the email bandwagon, you better jump on because it's really important. It's working, people are seeing results, marketers that segment their lists see an increase of revenue, 760%. So even if you are using email marketing make sure you segment, you'll see even better results. In 2020, the majority of companies have at least four people involved in their email review and approval process, that's up 52% and I think that'll continue to increase over time.
Almost three-fourths of email markers feel that email is important to the success of the company. And 87% of marketers say that they use email to distribute their content. Important takeaway, email marketing will grow so you should continually use it. And if you want to use it, you want to achieve maximum engagement. And that's the point. And the way you do that is create those one-on-one interactions. Whether using the words you or I in your email, personalizing things, putting their first name within their email. These are all ways to maximize engagement, AB testing, which is what we discussed in the last lesson.
Always that you can maximize your engagement. And another trick that you can do is leverage segmentation. People who are super active, you should send them different emails than people who aren't as active, people who enjoy multiple emails from you a week, you should segment them, keep sending them maybe even more, people who don't want that, segment them, send less. This is how you can adjust your email marketing, not just the messages, but your workflows to maximize your sales and revenue and even deliverability.
So how often should you be emailing? Well, there is no right answer. I recommend that you do at least a few times a week but if your list is super active and they want daily, then email daily. Like if you have a daily digest and that's what people are signing up for, then you should be emailing daily, not weekly. On the flip side, if you have a weekly digest, email weekly.
If you're selling products or services, probably don't want to email them every few days selling a product or service. But if you have educational emails in between, that's fine, then you can email them few times a week with the educational emails and then sell every once in a while. From a sales perspective, you'll find that webinars are the perfect tool to nurture your B2B leads and customers.
It also works for B2C, but the reason I'm mentioning B2B is not everything that works for B2C works for B2B. Typically the stuff that works for B2B will also work for B2C. And with the webinar, you want to invite them, that's the first three days, then offer a replay, that's the next three days. Then your offer, three days after that, and then countdown sequence, which is three days after.
And they can purchase any time in between, but that's typically the flow for a webinar email sequence. And here's the example. I may have an ad, drives people to watch a webinar, collect their email, invite them over email, as well as on that landing page, I'll reinforce the data and the decision they're making with data. I'll talk about the process, testimonials, case studies, the value, I'll even have CTAs in there to generate sales.
And then what I'll do is I'll continually have more and more webinars over time, not just one, and webinars on different topics because it allows me to create multiple ways to generate that sale as well. And what I love about webinars is you can use a sense of urgency because a webinar doesn't last forever, which is cool. Your webinars shouldn't be evergreen, at least at the beginning. You can use things like LinkedIn to hit up your contacts, get more people interested or social media, just create a catchy headline.
And as I mentioned, you got to create that sense of urgency 'cause it will improve your show up rates and the rate that people will register. And you've learned a lot over the last two weeks but the most important lesson that you should have learned is multiple ways that you can leverage email. There's no right way or wrong way, you just got to pick the way that works best for you. And the metrics will show you what's working, right? If your list size is increasing, your open rates are improving, your click rates are improving, your unsubscribe rates are decreasing, your spam complaints are decreasing.
These are all metrics that'll help you understand if you're choosing the right way. And if you're seeing them go backwards, the opposite way that you want, just adjust and tweak your strategy. And in that strategy, you should also have an omni-channel approach. Yes, email's great, but it's not just all about email. What about SEO? What about content marketing? What about Facebook marketing? What about just making your copy for your blog posts? Part of it, send it out in an email and get people to click through and read the rest of the blog post.
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